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I want to talk about one of my favourite teas, matcha tea. Matcha tea is a type of green tea, but matcha tea power is super because entire leaves are dissolved in water rather than steeped in bags. So instead of throwing away the leaves, you ingest all the antioxidant powers, the fibers and nutrients that the leaves offer. 

It is loaded with polyphenols like flavonoids and catechin that can reduce the formation of free radicals in the body, protecting cells and molecules from damage. these free radicals are known to play a role in ageing and all sorts of diseases. Studies show that matcha tea contains more than 137 times more antioxidants that ordinary green tea. Matcha also contains as much as 70 times more antioxidants as is present in spinach.  Matcha tea contains a unique, potent class of antioxidant known as catechins, which aren’t found in other foods. In particular, the catechin EGCg (epigallocatechin gallate) provides potent cancer-fighting properties. 

EGCG also helps the body break down calories in order to ensure that you stay slim, healthy and away from all the health complications associated with excess body weight. This antioxidant has also been shown to slow down or completely stop the growth of cancerous cells in the body. 
Matcha tea calms the body and stabilizes your moods while at the same time keeping you alert and focused. The alertness caused by matcha tea can be attributed to its caffeine content.  

Matcha tea has also been known to promote longevity, prevent cancer, lower LDL ''bad'' cholesterol, detoxify naturally and give energy.

Finally, this amazing tea has been shown to greatly boost your immune system. A daily intake of at least a cup will ensure that you keep your medical expenses and hospital visits to an absolute minimum.
The above information shows that matcha tea is not only healthy, but it is also superior to other types of tea when it comes to keeping you alive, healthy and happy.

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